The Assonet Ledge
The Wampanoag tribe believed that the Freetown, Massachusetts area was haunted by evil spirits even before the European settlers arrived. Parts of it were also considered sacred lands. When Wamsutta, the Wampanoag Chief, agreed to sell the land to the settlers, it's believed that a faction of the tribe cursed the land, because they were opposed to giving up sacred lands. Many believe that the hauntings and death will continue until the land is given back to the Wampanoag Tribe.
It's easy to get to the Assonet Ledge. You just pull into the Freetown State Forest and go into the office. They'll hand you a map of the trail system. You can take a short walk to the top of the Assonet Ledge or you can hike around the pond and get all of the views. It's a beautiful hike, if you dare to walk in the Freetown State Forest. It's part of the Bridgewater Triangle.
The granite of the Assonet Ledge is believed to have evil spirits living within it. Paranormal investigator, Christopher Balzano, is one of the people who speculates that the granite indeed brings evil spirits with it wherever it's used.
The nearby notorious Taunton State Hospital was constructed using Assonet Ledge Granite. Built in 1854 it was the second of state psychiatric hospitals to be constructed. In 1975 it was closed and abandoned. By 2009 very little of it remained. Many of the historic architectural details have been sold off and now reside in homes and businesses throughout the world. Paranormal investigators continue to investigate the site of the Taunton State Hospital. It is home to many reported ghosts, spirits and demons.
Many of the Newport, Rhode Island mansions were also made of this granite. Ironically, this includes the Seaview or Carey Mansion. It was used by the Dark Shadows television show as the exterior of Collinswood.
When Matt Moniz was younger, he and friends decided to hang out on the top of Assonet Ledge. There is only one way out and back. Moniz was the first and he saw this woman out in front of him. She looked real and solid, not a shadow or some faint spirit. He turned around to tell his friends that they weren't alone. When he turned back she was gone. He was so concerned that he looked over the ledge to see if she had fallen. Later he was told that he had seen the Lady on the Ledge.
Christopher Balazano believes that people have combined Indian folklore with this paranormal experience. They often assume that she is an Indian maid looking for her husband. There is no basis in fact for that assumption.
Moniz also tells the story that Air Force One (with Ronald Reagan in it) was flying over the Assonet Ledge when UFOs started flying beside it. Jets were scrambled from nearby Otis Air Force Base to protect Air Force One. When the UFO veered away, Reagan supposedly told the pilot to follow the UFO - and he did. Reagan was the commander-in-chief after all.

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